Declutter…Day 101

The question is: How great would YOU feel if you removed one unused item from your home each day for a whole year? The declutter challenge.
Toss, Donate, or Sell one item from your home every single day for one year.
No rules.
No advice.

Day 101
Ruthless. I went through an entire box — and a big box at that — containing newspaper clippings and another bazillion pictures. I couldn’t believe that I was throwing away ones that I had kept forever…for some reason. AND I managed to send an envelope-full of pictures home with Jamie — they were pictures of him on various soccer teams and whatever else. I think Dasha might enjoy seeing them. And then THEY can hold on to them for their OWN children to see one day.

What did you dump today?

Violence escalates

Keep praying. Georgia has now declared that they are in a “state of war.”

Georgia vs Russia

I encourage you to read these links concerning the current fighting in Georgia. And please pray for wisdom for those trying to broker a cease-fire.