Celebrating adoption

I just learned of a wonderful group of photographers who offer a free photo shoot within the first year of families coming together. These are talented professional photographers who have a heart for adoption.

Take a look at their website — Celebrating Adoption — and I think you’ll agree that the pictures are beautiful. For all of you that have adopted within the last year (or will be adopting in the future), this is a tremendous gift.

How sweet is this picture? For more examples from this photo shoot, click on the Horton Family blog. The Hortons are an amazing family who continue to adopt children from China with heart problems…be sure to read other posts on their blog. We were able to spend some time with them last fall and enjoyed a basketful of taste sensations that they prepared for our visit!

Thanks, Elaine, for tipping me off to this photography ministry.

Large Sails and Little Ballast – Desiring God

Large Sails and Little Ballast – Desiring God.

Having done a fair amount of sailing in my day, this word picture spoke clearly to me about the state of the church…particularly in the West.

May we all work to balance the sails and the ballast.