Who am I?

Now married for 30 years to my pediatrician husband, our family of five moved to Kyiv, Ukraine in the summer of 2001.

I was raised primarily in Cincinnati, Ohio, but moved to Maryland after marrying Jim. All 3 of our children were born in Salisbury, Maryland: twin daughters and two years later, our son.

After nearly 20 years of private practice, Jim sold his practice, we sold our home, and gave away our van…and made the move to Kyiv. Our mission here is called Ukraine Medical Outreach and we have the goal to reach the medical professionals (an unreached people group, per Jim!) for Christ. He also teaches them how to share their faith with their patients. The Ukrainian physicians will reach many more people in a day than one missionary ever could!

My delight is visiting AIDS orphans who are hospitalized for secondary illnesses. In Ukraine, children are admitted to hospitals along with a parent. The parent attends to all the needs of the child except for the actual medical treatment. This includes feeding them, changing diapers, playing with them, providing clothing and fresh sheets. The children that I visit have no parent — and so no extra attention. The staffs in the hospitals are too sparse and too busy to attend to the extra needs of the orphans. It is a privilege to be able to hold these children as they eat, to tickle them, to kiss them, to toss them in the air, to simply love them.

Our children have busy lives of their own: (from youngest to oldest)

Son Jamie married Dasha in 2005 and they are experiencing the joys of their first child, our second grandson, born in May 2011. They are living in Salisbury, Maryland after two years in Boston. She continues her freelance writing and he works for Verizon while looking for a job as a church music director/worship leader…ANYWHERE in the U.S.A.

Daughter Jeanne married Kolya in 2008. They have one son born in September 2010, and are expecting another son in March 2012. Jeanne is the administrator of UMO, Inc. and Kolya works for a maintenance firm. He also works side jobs using his degree in construction. Need tile in your kitchen or bathroom? Painting? Remodeling? A staircase? He’s your man! He built us some beautiful storage cabinets before moving to the States. They recently purchased a home just north of Salisbury.

Daughter Anna is studying for a bookkeeping/accounting degree. She has a 2-year study leave from Operation Mobilisation, the organization under which she has served as a missionary for the past 6 years. I love that her studies fell at the same time as the birth of her nephews! Can you believe it: She is also living in Salisbury. She plans to return to the field in late 2012.

I try to warn readers when the subject of my daily post has to do with our grandsons. If you just don’t want to hear about them, stop reading when you see GRAMMY ALERT. (Can’t imagine why ANYONE would not want to hear about the cutest grandchildren on the planet?!)


  1. It is a rare event as my life is crazy busy, but I took time this AM to read your blog. And as always, it brought tears to my eyes. Maybe, that’s why I don’t consistently read it…..starting the day crying is probably not the best way to go…COngrats on Jeanne’s official wedding. How special it that! And who has time to write a play by play of everything in your life? WOW.I’m impressed.
    Love you ~M

  2. Who are you? The one I married. The one I love. The one God has given me to aid Him in teaching me more about who He is and more. You are my wife.

  3. Martha: I love that you actually FOUND my blog and took the time to read it. Keep reading…every day is not a “crying” entry!

    By the way, I looked at your web page for your children’s store…Wow! (I DID chuckle when I tried to think if I knew ANY discerning children!) Well done!

    Jim: Yeppers. We are definitely here for each other’s sanctification!

  4. Glenda Carr says:

    My name is Glenda Carr, I am the founder and director of an adoption ministry/agency in Jacksonville Florida. I love Ukraine! I visited this country 6 years ago and fell in love with its people. I did a couple of adoption with a pastor friend (he is Russian and has lived in Kiev all of his life)it was a challange since we both did not know what we were doing but we did get a couple girls adopted out. I beleive that the Lord is prompting me to go international again, and I am praying about Ukraine. My friend would assist me but he would need someone with more experience in this department. Would you pray about this and meet with him and me in the future. Thank you again for all that you are doing for the children!! You are a blesssing! Please visit us at http://www.bundleofhope.org
    Blesssings to you and your family!
    Glenda Carr/Bundle of Hope Ministries

  5. What an exciting life you and your husband have. I wonder what God has planned for me and my husband. Your missionary plan sounds great. I have a heart for Ukraine. I don’t know why except that I’m really concerned about all the orphans that live there.

  6. This is amazing. I’m so intrigued. I’ll be adding you to my bloglines!

  7. Glenda: Contact me when you are coming this way. I would be honored to meet with you, though I honestly don’t think I could be much help to your work — I know absolutely nothing about the ins and outs of adoptions here. My husband travels with adopting parents simply to examine the children. I would love to be able to encourage you, and would be happy to be a resource for the parents as far as knowing where things are in Kyiv, etc. We frequently have adopting parents here over holidays (or whenever) so that they have a touch of a home…they’re here typically for nearly 2 months!

    Shari: Keep praying for Ukraine. And for God to show you His plan…the work that He has already prepared for you to do, per Ephesians! Maybe you’ll end up here hugging orphans with me!

    dcrmom: I’m humbled that ANYONE would be adding me to their bloglines, but amazed that someone with YOUR following would find MY little blog intriguing. I enjoy your blog as well! (You’re in my reader….)

  8. Amydeanne says:

    the Ukraine has a big place in my heart. I’ll be praying for your ministry. My goal is to make it there some day and hold all the children I can. (maybe bring a few home too if i can lol)
    my heart cries for your ministry.. actually God’s really laid it on my heart to pray for the Ukraine since my 2nd was born in 2004. thank you for being one of those who steps forth in such a ministry.

  9. Amydeanne: It is truly my privilege to serve here. And when the time is right for you to come, let me know! Lots of huggin’ to do over here!! Thanks for your prayers.

  10. Heh, just noticed this little tab at the top of your blog. Nice to know who you are after living with you for so many years. Love you, Mom.

  11. Anna: Love you, too.

  12. Bambi Bailey says:


    I am trying to reach Donna Crane… can you help me with an email address or website? Thank you!


    PS We adopted out son from Ukraine 2 years ago, he was 30 lbs and 9 years old. He is now 65 lbs and reading on a 4 grade level.. growing and thriving! God is glorious…

  13. Bambi: I will see her husband this morning at a Bible study, and will pass on your email to him to give to Donna. Sooo happy to hear about your son — amazing what a little love and a balanced diet can do for a child!

  14. Hello! randomly landed on your blog today. its nice to see a fellow laborer in the Faith! Blessing to you!

    Annielaurie Walters

  15. AnnieLaurie: Thanks for the comment. I have clicked over to your blog and am enjoying the stories. Keep up the good work!

  16. alan pidcock says:

    I was reading your post about the couple that is in town to adopt. We also adopted in the fall of 2005 from a town north of Kyiv called Ivanciv. We adopted four girls from there and we know of 9 others from that same orphange that live in our area, Birmingham Alabama. If you pass along our email address to them we would love to make contact . Most of the others live closer to Montgomery. We all try to get together so the kids can stay in contact with each other. Enjoy your blog here in the sunny south.
    alan & marcia pidcock

  17. Greetings from Kriviry Rih, Marianna! I loved your post about the adoptive family and their 6-year old – what a blessing! Steven and I sent an email to Dr. Jim this morning about a change in our plans and wanted to send it to you, too, but somehow I don’t have your email address? It will be in his in-box! Leslie

  18. Alan: I’ll be sure to let them know about you. We know LOTS of the children from internat 21 who have been adopted and living in the Birmingham area. Birmingham must be “little Ukraine” by now!

    Leslie: My email is the same as Jim’s only with my name instead of his. If you want it to reach BOTH of our computers simply use peipons instead of either of our names…

  19. Tabitha says:

    The Lord has really placed the people of the the Ukraine on my heart, and I cannot stop thinking about them. It really touched my heart when I came across your website. My daughter is autistic, and I have a heart for sick and hurting children. I’m not sure what God has planned for me, but maybe He has a work for me to do. Jerm. 29:11

  20. Tabitha: Isn’t it interesting how God moves different people to be burdened for different parts of the world? There is a school here in Kyiv that was begun by parents of children who were not able to attend the regular school — including autistic children. Amazing to see the dedication of the parents. My hat is off to you. I am quite certain that God has a work for you (Eph 2:10).

  21. roamingcatholic says:

    What a fantastic story! I will certainly be back to read about your adventures.

  22. roamingcatholic: Glad you enjoyed the crazy Hungary adventure. By the way, how did you happen to run across this blog?

  23. ramonamom says:

    Enjoyed learning who you “are”! It was a family of medical missionaries who helped us adopt our five kids from Russia, too. What a wonderful ministry you have there! Come over and “meet us”, if you haven’t already – http://www.lightinearthenvessels.blogspot.com

    Blessings in Christ,

  24. I just happened upon your site today – what an amazing ministry your family has in Ukraine! My husband and I adopted from Ukraine (Mariupol, Donetsk) in December 2007 so Ukraine holds a very special place in our hearts. We have friends who do mission work in Berdyansk, and we spent some time with them while in country. We hope to travel back to do some mission work with them next summer, if it’s in God’s plan!

    Blessings on your ministry!

  25. Hello from Novosibirsk! I love catching up with you guys every once in a while, when there is a little moment… Yura asked me if I remember what Jim said about doctors and healing. That is what prompted me to visit. The kids still ask about you guys! You had a huge impact on them in two days than the rest of Kyiv in 5 weeks! God bless you guys!

    Wendy Kvachenko

  26. Dear Mr. Medler,

    Greetings from CCEF,

    I am contacting you from the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF), with particular regard to your interest in the ministry of CCEF.

    Your blog and or website can provide tremendous visibility for our 2008 conference on addictions titled, The Addict in us all. Your help will enable us to reach more people than we could ever do on our own!

    Would you please consider these two requests?

    · Posting the “Press Release” for our upcoming 2008 Conference.

    · Adding a conference link to your blog or website.

    The following is the link in which, you use to attach to the wording on the image that says “Click here for more info”. http://ccef.org/ac_overview.asp I have also attached the graphic that is used with the link.

    We also have the 2008 Addictions Conference brochures and the CCEF corporate brochures available for

    download on our homepage at http://www.ccef.org

    Thank you for your time and attention in this matter, please contact me if you would like to receive either brochures (hardcopies), or if you have any questions. Please feel free to pass this request along.

    PS If you choose to post this link, will you please send me your blog /website /email address?

    With gratitude,


    Zanna Meyers

    Communications & Conference Coordinator

    Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF)

    1803 East Willow Grove Ave.

    Glenside, PA 19038

    215-884-7676 x129


    PS I am unable to send attachments via the comment section. Please contact me and I will send them ASAP. Thanks.

  27. Hi,

    I have been reading your blog for the last year and always enjoy it =)
    I was hoping I could get in touch with you. My name is Cathy and I am from the US. I came to Kyiv a couple years ago and got married in Feb. I find myself about 5 weeks pregnant and am not sure where to go to get checked out.

    Was hoping you or your husband might have some suggestions


  28. I attend a Christian school in New Braunfels, Texas. My assignment is to contact a missionary via telephone, e-mail or by letter. My mom looked over your blog and thought you would be an interesting missionary to share about with my class. My classmates will be encouraged to pray for you, your family and your ministry. Please answer the following questions requested from my teacher for the report. Some of the questions have been answered already on your web-page. Personal: Are you married? What is your spouse’s name and birth date? What are your children’s names and birthdates? Whate are some of your top prayer requests? About your ministtry: Address? Country? Continent? Weather high and low? Avg. rainfall? Capital city of the country and city where mission is located. Missionary’s culture? Main languages spoken where you are? Religions (people they serve)? Currency in the country where you minister? Sponsoring board or church? Several interesting facts about the country? May I write to you by e-mail. I do not blog.

  29. Also, I need to provide a copy of the message you e-mail back to me. My mom’s e-mail address is jacforket@msn.com

  30. Hello, do you know Jane at the Ark. I think you are the one that took a couple of our teams to the childrens hospital in Kiev. Can you email me? info@shepherdspurse.org. http://www.shepherdspurse.org

  31. Greetings! I am engaged to a wonderful Ukrainian man who is now a US citizen and has been here almost 7 years. He is from Kiev originally and it’s so neat to read your blog and to hear about Kiev and UA through the eyes of an American! I am hoping to visit Kiev on our honeymoon, sometime in August 2010. Nice blog!

  32. Nadezhda Konovalova says:

    Wow! Just wanted to express my joy that I found your blog!

  33. Someone just sent me a link to your website because we are trying to adopt from the Ukraine. They had heard about a sibling group from a friend of friend and sent me the link to see these children for myself….Sophia and Anton. We have 3 biological children, boy 11, girls 13&17 and are looking to adopt a boy and a girl under 10. Are these 2 still available and can you tell me any more about them?

    I love your ministry! What an amazing niche!

    That Mama

  34. Wow! I’m excited to find this blog via a friend. I am a mom of 5 kids, 3 of whom are adopted and two of whom were adopted from Ukraine. All three of our daughters we adopted have physical special needs.

  35. Hi there. I have contacted you previously and now I don’t have your email so I thought I would try you this way. I am doing some research for a fundraiser on the rights of disabled people in Ukraine. We were there last year for three months working with some ministries and I realized that there are not many accommodations for people with special needs. Would you or your husband have any info or comments on that?
    It would be a great help!
    Thanks so much!

  36. lauren white says:

    Hi i just came across your website when doing some research about orphanages in Ukraine. I am hoping to visit for a few weeks to help out with the children and do what i can.
    I am keen to come to Kiev and was wondering if you could give me any details of a home that would be suitable for me to volunteer.

    Thank You Lauren

  37. halloftyrannus says:

    hELO, I am Dr.Samuel Inbaraja. from India.I m presently waiting to join MD radiodiagnosis in Lugansk state medical university , Lugansk , eastern ukraine.
    Last year i worked in Christian fellowship hospital , Oddanchatram, tamil nadu, India.
    I have a similair vision for missionary doctors in India , but i was not involved in training doctors but i was sharing the Gospel with a lot of people back there. i was mentoring one counsellor and led a bible study group there for 9 girls who worked as physician assistants.
    Here i see the need and the enormity of it. It will be nice if you can give some direction for some ministry here.

    You can contact me @ samuelinba2@gmail.com.

    i have a few blogs with which i m ministering to my target population online but other than that i m restricted by language culture issues.

    You can check out my blog ,

    Pl contact me and direct me as to how i can serve God here.

    Thank u.

    • Rev.Dr.Zac John says:

      Dr. Samuel,
      Are you studying at LSMU, in Ukraine now. I plan to send my daughter there for MBBS. I would be happy to be in touch with you and hope to visit Ukraine for Mission work.
      Zac John, Missionary in India.

  38. Dr. James Bovienzo says:

    I am a US BC emergency medicine physician and wish to relocate to Kyiv region to practice mission medicine…..do you guys have any resources I can contact (fiance lives in Bila tserkov

  39. Tim Tutka says:

    I was wondering if you guys could use any help with clothes, toys, and such for the children and adults that you help? My family is of Ukrainian heritage. Last week I was visiting with a Ukrainian woman and she was upset that I wasn’t fluent in the Ukrainian language. She turned to me and said that it is MY heritage and the people of Ukraine are my people (family). I was reading in Judges about Shamgar and it gave me some inspiration. Right now I can’t go to Ukraine to help but God has given me the tools to help in other ways (use what I have, where I am). I hope I can help in some way. Thank You, Tim Tutka

  40. Marianna:
    I just want to see if you get this. I have written many times over the past years and have never gotten a response so I have no idea if you get my emails. I may have the wrong address for you. Just want to send my greetings and let you know that you all are on my heart. I will be in Kiev from 5/31-6/9. It would be fun to run into you in Podil.

  41. Hello, I enjoyed reading your blog. My wife and I are travelling from the Toronto, Canada area to Kiev in a few weeks, as we in the process of adopting an orphan from Ukraine.
    We have noticed that the last few families who have gone there have taken several weeks longer than those who adopted in early 2010. Is there anything that you know of going in the country that is slowing down adoptions?
    May the Lord bless you for the work that you do for Him in Ukraine.
    Eric and Melissa

  42. Hello again, we have a question to ask you. Do you know of a directory of physicians in Ukraine? We were encouraged today by our adoption agency to hire a doctor or two to check the child’s health before the adoption is finalized. We do not know what part of Ukraine we will be sent to, hence the question about some kind of directory.

    Thank you!

    In Christ, Eric and Melissa

    • I don’t know of a physician directory, but we do know physicians in various parts of the country. (I am guessing that you are receiving this too late to be of help for this trip.) Sorry to not respond sooner…somehow I just lost track of comments somehow! Would love to year how your adoption went!!

  43. Hello,

    I have a question regarding a girl currently at an orphange. Would you please be so kind to email me?

    God bless you and your family.


  44. Oh!! After I read this, I am a “friend” of your husbands on Facebook. So afterall, I do know “of” your Ministry! I was born/raised in Centerville, OH and I attended Miami U. I see you are from good ole’ Cincinnati! Glad to be connected with you as we plan to be in Ukraine late July 2011!

  45. Жаль, что сейчас не могу высказаться – очень занят. Освобожусь – обязательно выскажу своё мнение по этому вопросу.

  46. Господа, здравствуйте! Предлагаю посетить мой! Вот небольшое описание:

    Санкт – Петербрг, Купчино. Предлагаем свои услуги по кузовному ремонту Вашего автомобиля!
    Реставрация после ДТП с исправлением геометрии кузова, покраска авто в камере – локальная, преходом и полная, исправление несущих элементов конструкции, стапель, сварка, рихтовка, замена стекол, подгонка элементов, и т.д.
    Цены на работы низкие – смотрите на нашем сайте! Примерная оценка повреждений если есть фото, выезд мастера для оценки, осмотра авто бесплатный.
    Предлагаем любые кузовные запчасти, оптику, стекла на иномарки со склада и на заказ (срок поставки от 2-х дней) по минимальным ценам, оригинал и неоригинал.
    Гарантийный срок 1 год на произведенные работы.
    8 931 227 20 47
    Если запостил ошибочно – извините!

  47. Reese Locken says:

    Hi, my wife and I are planning to move to Kyiv as missionaries with OMS, hopefully within the next year. I was wondering if I could get in touch with you and your husband and ask you a few questions.

    Also, the missionaries we are planning to work with are Randy and Shelley Marshall. Have you heard of them?

    Please email me at reese.locken@gmail.com. We have so much we want to ask about!

  48. What a wonderful blog ! My husband and I adopted our first child from Ukraine in 2001, and we still hold the country in our hearts. We would love to return ‘ and have been looking into teaching positions.
    Bless you !

  49. Marianna,
    I needed a diversion from my work as a hospital Chaplain today and read your blog. I love that you love your life! What a wonderful thing to read! Andy and I are in a sad time right now. Andy’s sister Patty is dying of cancer, we don’t expect her to live but a few weeks longer. Her ex who lived with her and cared for her died last week. Andy is in Atlanta staying with her this week. So reading your blog was a perk I needed today. Thanks for your faithfulness. Blessings, Jan PS. It’s Rev. Jan K. – I was ordained recently!

  50. So excited to have found your blog! We feel called to help the orphans of Ukraine and we are starting our journey by adopting as soon as we are able (we are 1/3 of the way there with fundraising and nearly completed with our homestudy!). I look forward to reading your blog regularly 🙂

    • Thanks for commenting! We will be praying for you as you move forward on the roller coast ride called adoption! Please be sure to let us know when you get to Ukraine!! And if we can help with anything in the meanwhile, please let us know.

  51. Thanks! Will keep in touch 🙂

  52. Cynthia Sawyer-Kozel says:

    Hello! I accidentally found your blog and am refreshed by it! I don’t know what I am doing very much on the computer but I would like to follow your blog. I will leave my information below.

  53. I just posted a comment but would like just my first name to show up from now on….is it possible to undo something ? Thanks!

  54. Hiya,

    I hope this message finds you well! I don’t know if you remember me, but I was the young medical student from the UK who came for the saline conference in Kiev about 18 months ago. I’m hoping to travel through Europe in February, stopping in Kiev for a day or so. I’ve tried to get in touch with Jim via facebook and email but haven’t been able to get through so far! Was just thinking it would be nice to catch up, perhaps over lunch (on me of course!), and for me to hear more about the work you’ve both been doing since we last met.

    Warm wishes in Christ!

    • Hi, Aaron! I am JUST now seeing this. We have had some internet/domain challenges of late, but all should be working properly now. I’ll ask Jim to connect with you through facebook messages and HOPEFULLY we can all get together…this month!

  55. Cynthia Baker says:

    I have enjoyed reading your blogs about the ministry you and your husband are in. My husband and I have been praying about moving to the Ukraine to become full time missionaries. He has been going to the Ukraine for about 10 years doing dentistry and vacation Bible Schools in various orphanages.
    We have been gathering info on long term Visas and would love the opportunity to ask for any advice with the Visas. I noticed you are in the states currently and wondered if it would be possible for us to talk on the phone?
    Cynthia and Jacob Baker

    • Marianna says:

      You are right…we are currently in the states…Alabama at the moment. We will be happy to talk with you about long term visas — the laws are changing every few months, it seems, so I’m not sure we will be particularly helpful!

      With whom does your husband do dentistry work? They may be helpful as well…

      • Cynthia baker says:

        We actually live in south Alabama, in Fairhope. He hasn’t been going with any organizations, just our previous church back in Georgia. He has just started leading teams from our new church here in Alabama. He has been working with several orphanages in Krivoy rog over the years and we are traveling back there this may/ June with our team for 1 1/2 weeks. let us know whenever it would be convenient for you, I’m sure y’all are extremely busy while back in the states

  56. Julie Kellam says:

    Debbie, along with James really loved seeing you and Jim, Lynne and Charlie, Robin and Mike and Jackie G. in Huntsville! Quite a reunion, I’d say! Today, they sold their condo – Praise God! They took a loss, but not having been able to rent it for the last six months, God was very gracious to provide a CASH buyer. They are moving closer and closer to their desire to be in S. Asia by September. It’s been quite a journey, and they have seen the faithfulness of our wonderful Savior over and over! May God continue to work mightily thru you and Jim as you toil in His kingdom for His glory, remembering “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.” II Peter 1:3 Love and blessings, Julie

  57. Hi,, Thank you for sharing. I am excited to hearing that you were in Ukraine. My daughter is studying in Ukraine for medicine. Where do you live in Maryland. I visit Maryland where my friends live. I am a missionary in India.
    Zac John

  58. I read your news about ministries in Ukraine and your children. I am glad to hear that Anna is with Operation Mobilization. I had worked with OM India and MV Logos Ship in Europe.
    My daughter is medical student at LSMU, Ukraine. Please pray for her studies. She is also a missionary student. Zac John

  59. kristea0337 says:

    Hi. My husband (of 1 month) & I really feel God is calling us into the mission field in Europe. He has two adopted Ukrainian sisters (17 & 18, they’ve been here for almost 3 yrs now) so Ukraine holds a special place in our heart. I look forward to reading your blog for encouragement & advice.

    — Kristy

    • Thanks for commenting, Kristy. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have…we are not experts by any stretch, but we DO have 10 years of experience. I’m glad you found my blog…now I hope to write something useful to you!!

  60. Hi there! I was just looking around at some missionaries in European countries and I happened upon your blog. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you first of all for setting a beautiful example for us as Christians by living your life dedicated to God and to those children. It truly blessed my heart to read a little about yours and your husband’s ministry in the Ukraine. Second, I wanted to drop you a verse of encouragement. Isaiah 40:29-31: “He gives strength to the weary, and increase the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, and they will walk and not be faint.” I pray that the Lord sustains both you and your husband while you remain in the Ukraine and minister in the medical field and that He continues to bless you tremendously as you seek Him and to serve him in all that you do. Again thank you for being an inspiration and such an example for Jesus!
    Sincerely your sister in Christ Jesus,
    ~ Keeli

    • Thank you so very much for your kind words of encouragement! As is not too surprising, your words came at just the right time! We have had a very busy schedule over the past weeks…with one more crazy week to go…and THEN we can catch our breath! Keeli, I hope you see that your timely comment is an inspiration and an example for Jesus as well…if only we all took advantage of the little time we have now and then to write a note of encouragement! God bless you!

  61. Piper awesomely said “If you live gladly to make others glad in God, your life will be hard, your risks will be high, and your joy will be full.” You are living this life. May you continually delight in sovereign God and Lord in all you do for His glory and your joy.


  62. Hello, thank you for all you are doing, I mean your job. I would like to say you are doing a great job. If you would or someone would like to read more about Ukrainian culture, it is easy with my blog http://ukrnetia.com If this comment is unsuitable, please, delete it.

    • orphanadvocate says:

      Thank you for stopping by. And thanks for the link to your blog about Ukraine…I learned some new things already!

      On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 9:29 PM, The Heart of the Matter

  63. Caroline says:

    Are you going through a missionary program currently and if so do you know the name? I’m trying to find an agency that will help me serve in Ukraine. I truly admire your ambition and great work that you’ve been called to do. God bless!

    • We have our own organization at this point…BUT there are LOTS of groups serving in Ukraine. It depends on what you’d like to do here to decide with which group to go! Some are church planters, orphan care, special needs care, medical/dental, whatever.

  64. Hi there,

    I am Alexandra from Vuzum, a boutique digital studio. We launched Blogvio, a startup for
    bloggers, and I’d like to invite you to Private Beta, if you care to share some feedback.

    We created this 60s pitch to get your attention here: http://www.blogvio.com.

    So, can we send an Access Key? Your feedback is quite important. 🙂


  65. mrsbmomof3 says:

    I am currently in country (Ukraine) and have taken custody of our 14 year old daughter. Is there any way I can contact you privately for some advice/help? Please, I’m reaching out to anyone who can help me. (my email is mrsbmomof3@yadtel.net)

  66. I ran across your site while seeking an appropriate graphic — and wish to borrow “give_thanks.jpg” use in 2013. I apologize for not looking deeper in your blog to find a more up-to-date contact point, and I hope you give permission for its use. God bless your ministry, and keep you safe during these time.

  67. Wow, it is great to recognize the gift God has given each of us and to use it in His grace. Many blessings to you and your husband on your journey! Thanks for visiting my blog 🙂

  68. I am Pastor William Ondiala Otieno living in Kenya East Africa,I am happy with you and the that you are doing over there,please I need you in my country am happy to see how God is using you to meet with the poor and orphans those who lost their parent as a result of HIV/AIDS.
    Please can you do this in country,at the moment i have orphans,please pray for me,
    Pastor William and Emelda/

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